your basic explanation...

I'm not here to make excuses but some days you just know that the light at the end of the tunnel is an on-coming train. Thankfully trains derail all the time. And that's what my life is all about. As I rush towards my 25th birthday I realise that being 24 for the last few years hasn't been so bad...

Monday, 4 July 2011

always 2 ways to look at it

You always hear some clown ask "is the glass half empty or half full?" when in fact the question is mute as long as the glass contains coffee. I continually find that what I am seeing is a completely different perspective to those around me.

I go home to where I was raised and all I see is a small town trying to take me back down to the times when I've been stuck in a morgue identifying those I love.
I don't take in the contented people around me going about their lives and enjoying the good clean air around them or the laid back attitude that taints every day with a certain brilliance unknown in the wanna-be big bad city in which I live.
I spent  a quiet Sunday afternoon on the empty streets trying to ignore all the memories that crowd around me; I see my brother running in the parks and playing on the sports fields, my father trying on a suit in the middle of the main street and my mother always just on the outer edge of my vision.

Tough luck but it seems the Bay is too small a place for me and my memories... This doesn't mean it's a bad place, just bad for me.

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